Customer testimonials

  • A successful cure, thanks to a stay in a magnificent and relaxing setting with a friendly atmosphere. Thank you all.

    Mrs PERRIN -

    Thank you for this meal, this welcome, and this charming stay. A restful stopover with adorable owners who are always attentive! Hats off to the outstanding table. We will come back and recommend without hesitation.

    Julie & Nico. -

  • Compliments to the Chef, to the whole brigade as well as to the room staff!

    Annie & Danielle -

    A big thank you to yourself and all your team, for your welcome and the excellent meal you served us yesterday evening. All the master anise-makers and their wives send you their congratulations

    A.PLATEL -

  • Radiant stay, here, a little corner of PARADISE. Thanks to the whole team.


    An excellent meal, hearty, succulent, impeccable service. Thank you for this moment.

    Pesson -